Wednesday, November 16, 2005

En Inglaterra no se lo pueden creer.

Quien conozca un poco la prensa inglesa sabrá que no es habitual que se publiquen noticias, digamos, pormenorizadas en la sección internacional, al menos no tanto como pueda ser la sección internacional de El País o, alguna vez, de El Mundo o El Periódico.
La cuestión es que los británicos se han hecho eco de una noticia a su juicio, y al mio, inconcebible, que es el éxito que está teniendo el revisionismo histórico en España.
"Spain is different" dice el refrán, pero ¿tan different? Algo como lo que está sucediendo en el terreno de la historiografía española sería inconcebible en casi cualquier otro lugar del mundo.
¿Qué pensaríamos si en Alemania triunfasen las tesis de David Irving sobre el mito de los 6 millones, o se diese por bueno el contenido del archivo Rassinier?¿A caso en Rusia hay corrientes historiográficas que digan que Stalin era el "mal menor", que dejó un país preparado para la democracia?
Cosas como estas, que en países como Alemania conllevan penas de privación de libertad, son las que, alegremente, están llevando a cabo los panfletistas "neo-franquistas" encabezados por el terrorista en excedencia Pío Moa, que acaba de publicar una ¿biografía? a mayor gloria del dictador.
Aquí os dejo la asombrada reseña de "The Guardian", por lo demás el mejor periódico inglés.

Pro-Franco history tops bestseller list

A revisionist history book praising the former Spanish dictator General Francisco Franco, whose regime liquidated tens of thousands of opponents over nearly 40 years, has shot to the top of the bestseller list in Spain as the country marks the 30th anniversary of his death.

"Franco should ... receive the gratitude and recognition of the majority of Spaniards," writes Pío Moa in Franco: an historical review. The success of the book, which repeats old claims that Franco brought peace and prosperity while creating a country ready for democracy, has revealed an undercurrent of opinion happy to reject the idea that he was little more than a brutal, vengeful dictator.

"There was no alternative," Moa says, claiming that the Republican democracy overthrown by Franco's rebel forces during the bloody Spanish civil war had already failed beyond repair. "He left a prosperous and politically moderate country. The last 30 years of democracy have been possible thanks to that."

Moa, a former member of a violent leftwing group, is rejected by many professional historians as a pseudo-historian who has found a publishing goldmine as a modern Franco apologist. "What he writes is nothing less than an up-to-date repetition of what Franco's people have always said," commented the historian Santos Juliá in El País newspaper.

Moa's current success comes as Spain is flooded with books on El Generalísimo, some of which paint him as both psychologically and physically damaged. Allegations include an overdeveloped Oedipus complex and psychopathic tendencies. One author, Andres Rueda, even claims that Franco's only child, the current Duchess of Franco, was in fact fathered by his brother, Ramón, because Franco must have been left infertile by a wound received while fighting in Morocco.

Franco died of natural causes on November 20 1975. His remaining followers are expected to pay homage at his graveside in the Valley of the Fallen, the vast, underground basilica he built in the mountains 30 miles from Madrid.,6109,1642236,00.html?gusrc=rss


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